Gladys' Latest Interactions
Dear Gladys, I just remember how kind and how smart you are. It was a pleasure to know you and the other 100 plus students we graduated with on 1960. It would be fun to see people again. When is the next reunion scheduled? I missed your B. Day, but here's a belated Happy 77th!!!! Denise and I are still living here in Cardston, Alberta. 5 of our children are living in northern Utah and 2 daughters are here with us in southern Alberta. We spend our time with two sets of grandchildren every chance we get and that is our great joy along with our assignment at the Cardston Temple. We are both fairly healthy and loving life . Hope all is well with you and yours.
Best wishes always, Terrell Skinner
Posted on: Jun 18, 2018 at 2:33 AM