JayCees 1959 Little League Basketball Team
Back Row: Steve Watkins, Mark Johnson, Mike Walling, Roger Rigby, ? , Guy Peterson
Front Row: Roger Grunig, ? , John Powell, Lynn Roderick
Front: Coach Joe Herrera
Busco Fruit and Produce 1959 Little League Basketball Team
Back Row: David Matthews, Tom Jones, Tom Rich, Reed Peterson, Phil Parker, Curtis Grandy
Front Row: Russell Perkins, Bob Powell, Monte Evans, Lynn Nelson, Brent Peterson, Kay Nelson
Front: Coaches Ralph Busco and Ross Peterson
MHS football team 1928. Back row, first left AJ Winters, third left Lewis (Whitey) Humpherys; center row fifth left coach Jerry Taylor.
MHS 1930 Basketball Team: Jerry Taylor (Coach), Byron Nelson, Arthur Sorenson, Joe Strong, Bill Gaskins, Donald Welker, Art VanOrman, Forrest Hauck, Lewis (Whitey) Humpherys, Wilber Smith, Ivan Teuscher, Harold McCulla, Eddie Sorenson, Rulon Bartschi