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Linda Aland (Swim) (1967)
LaNeta Alleman (Quintero) (1959)
Richard Anthony (1960)
Jeannine Armatage (Eborn) (1957)
Jone Armatage (Hansen) (1954)
Joanne Bacon (Schwartz) (1952)
Allen Bagley (1960)
Beverly Barrett (Wagreich) (1953)
Gordon Bartlome (1958)
Gerald Bartschi (1962)
Janet Bartschi (Keetch) (1964)
Janette Bartschi (1966)
Kathy Bartschi (Price) (1981)
Lois Bartschi (Passey) (1958)
JoAnn Bauman (Davis) (1961)
Terrell Bird (1964)
Jerry Boehme (1967)
Judy Boehme (Allen) (1961)
Norma Boehme (Howard) (1950)
Judy Bradley (Wimmer) (1964)
Nikki Bridges (Hiatt) (1956)
Patricia Budge (1963)
Debbie Burgoyne (Rowe) (1972)
DeeAnn Clark (Brown) (1955)
Gladys Clark (Farmer) (1960)
Gaylen Clayton (Hatch) (1967)
Janet Collipriest (Petersen) (1961)
Blake Timothy C… (2001)
Ginger Crane (Swensen) (1967)
Polly June Crane (Willardson) (1965)
Delone Dayton (Wood) (1954)
David Dimick (1964)
Neil Dimick (1967)
Larry Dunn (1958)
Vernon Dunn (1966)
Evan Eastley (1966)
Lee Eastley (1962)
Mont Evans (1965)
Jody Lynne Freeman (McArthur) (1981)
Stanna Freeman (Bernard) (1967)
Elaine Gerber (Bond) (1962)
David Grandy (1967)
Mary Kay Grimes (Peterson) (1961)
Karen Guyon (Clements) (1954)
Kathleen Guyon (Mouritsen) (1969)
Peter Guyon (1963)
Byron Hansen (1965)
DeAnne Hanson (Horsley) (1955)
Jerry Hayes (1953)
Larry D. Hill (1957)
Bridgett Hoff (Heim) (1990)
Carol Holmes (Andersen) (1956)
Ferris Holmes (1955)
Rulon Homer (1962)
Stan Humpherys (1967)
Vicky Humpherys (Argyle) (1963)
Bill Hunzeker (1964)
DeVon Hunzeker (1954)
Steven B Hymas (1958)
Brent Ipsen (1969)
Lenna Jacobson (Carver) (1966)
Linda Jacobson (Eyre) (1965)
Dennis Jensen (1971)
Mary Lynn Jensen (Matthews) (1963)
Gayle Jones (Baxter) (1957)
Mary Ann Jones (Jorgensen) (1956)
Odetta Jones (Wilcox) (1964)
Ruth Jones (Hillam) (1961)
George King (1965)
Betty Gail Kunz (Lyons) (1962)
Ferris Kunz (1963)
John Kunz (1949)
Phillip R Kunz (1954)
Richard Kunz (1956)
Thiel Kunz (1948)
Vicky Kunz (Ford) (1990)
Merrillyn Lewis (Dover) (1964)
Dixie Lloyd (Pulley) (1958)
Linda Lloyd (McCalmon) (1970)
Donna Lowe (Skinner) (1964)
Georgia Matthews (Mouritsen) (1957)
Leonard Matthews (1954)
Bruce McCammon (1963)
Mary McCammon (Mathews) (1968)
Raeda McCammon (Walle…) (1956)
Linda McMurray (Nelson) (1959)
Marcia Meek (Smith) (1958)
Mary Lin Meek (Elwell) (1954)
Arthur Michaelson (1969)
Joan Miller (Lish) (1954)
Jeanne Modula (Riggs) (1957)
Bentsen Moss (1959)
Bob Moss (1961)
Dale Munk (1969)
Larry Nate (1958)
Linda Nate (Minhondo) (1957)
B K Nelson (1964)
Beth Nelson (Johnston) (1967)
Dan Nelson (1972)
David Michael Nelson (1959)
John Nelson (1958)
Roma Nelson (Thompson) (1954)
Bonnie Olsen (Burch) (1964)
Don Olsen (1964)
Mike Olsen (1972)
Berrey Parker (1960)
Kristin Payne (Jackson) (1959)
Margaret Payne (Broadbent) (1965)
Carol Jean Peterson (1962)
Frank Ross Peterson (1959)
Lanette Peterson (Hansen) (1969)
Reed Peterson (1964)
Brent Powelson (1967)
Keith Price (1959)
Glade Quinney (1959)
Durward Ream (1961)
Elisabeth Ream (Wood) (1962)
Jeanne Rich (Anderson) (1966)
Dennis Rigby (1962)
Larry Rigby (1960)
Sherman Rigby (1955)
Gary Travis Roberts (1991)
Lee Roderick (1959)
Linda Rosen (Sweat) (1962)
Richard Rowe (1969)
Linda Rowland (Leavitt) (1966)
Dorothy Schmid (Spencer) (1952)
Sharon Seamons (Stoddard) (1954)
Mary Lou Simmons (Bur…) (1952)
Diane Skinner (Jensen) (1962)
Morgan Skinner (1958)
Karen Sleight (Hayes) (1958)
Ted Sleight (1976)
Grant Smart (1948)
Carlos Smith (1960)
DeLone Smith (Hayes) (1965)
Dallas Solum (1955)
Greg Sommers (1950)
Mardell Sparks (1955)
Roger Sparks (1960)
Sandy Sparks (Hartley) (1964)
Elaine Spencer (Daines) (1959)
Cynthia A. Spratt (Anderson) (1965)
Kaye Stelovich (Neilson) (1962)
Margaret Stephens (Deaton) (1953)
Nancy Stephens (Dimick) (1967)
Pat Stephens (Burdick) (1962)
Beverly Swensen (Dawson) (1953)
Dean Swensen (1959)
Keith Swensen (1962)
Marilyn Swensen (Rigby) (1961)
Norma Taggart (Eberhard) (1967)
Rex Talbot (1965)
Sherry Telford (Schmid) (1961)
Keith Teuscher (1964)
Michael Teuscher (1959)
Nancy Teuscher (Preston) (1965)
Roy Thornock (1954)
Lana Tippetts (Foy) (1965)
Cheryl Tolley (Walters) (1968)
Steven Tolley (1973)
Lucille Trussel (Beyeler) (1953)
Shirley Trussel (Reeder) (1961)
Gae Tueller (Pace) (1950)
Peggy Tueller (1952)
Trudy Tufts (Bradley) (1964)
Maxine Walker (Davie) (1967)
Karen Wallentine (Peterson) (1957)
David Ward (1974)
John Ward (1969)
Jennie Warner (Corbett) (1958)
Val Watkins (1959)
Nell Wigington (Brown) (1961)
Layne Wilcox (1960)
Elease Williams (King) (1963)
Jerry Williams (1959)
Sharon Willis (Nacey) (1965)
Thomas Windley (1952)
Gay Winters (Wallentine) (1952)
Karren Winters (Ashley) (1957)
Dean Wood (1962)
Barbara Worthen (Lemons) (1964)
Karan Worthen (Grigsby) (1961)
Viona Wuthrich (B…) (1952)